Carl Azoury, Zenika founder, CEO, and friend to the community
Bootiful Podcast,
Spring and Platform engineer Daniel Garnier-Moiroux
Bootiful Podcast,
Spring founders Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller on the 20th Anniversary of Spring Framework 1.0
Bootiful Podcast,
Marit van Dijk, Jetbrains Developer Advocate
Bootiful Podcast,
Netflix’s Paul Bakker and Kavitha Srinivasan on scaling Spring Boot and Spring GraphQL
Bootiful Podcast,
Joseph B. Ottinger and Andrew Lombardi on _Beginning Spring 6_
Bootiful Podcast,
Stuart Marks (aka ”Dr. Deprecator”) on Java, its amazing features, and more
Bootiful Podcast,
Spring Boot Testjars founder Rob Winch
Bootiful Podcast,
Cristian Schuszter on CERN
Bootiful Podcast,