Spring Builders

Cover image for Spring Ahead: Exploring the Future of Spring Framework [Meetup, 28th May 2024]
Sergi Almar
Sergi Almar

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Spring Ahead: Exploring the Future of Spring Framework [Meetup, 28th May 2024]

Get ready to gear up for the upcoming Spring I/O conference with our first meetup "Spring Ahead: Exploring the Future of Spring Framework"!

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of the Spring Framework. This will be an interactive session where the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage directly with our panelists.

Don't miss out, RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/spring-builders/events/300922880/

🗓️ Date: Tuesday, 28th May 2024


Schwarz Global Services Barcelona

c\ St. Bergara 13, 9 floor, Barcelona

đź—“ Agenda:

18:30 - Door Opens

19:00 - Panel Discussion with DaShaun Carter, Jonatan Ivanov and Raquel Pau

20:00 - Drinks, Food and Networking

🗣️ Bios:

DaShaun Carter, Spring Developer Advocate, Broadcom

DaShaun is a husband, father of four, volunteer, struggling athlete and Spring Developer Advocate at Broadcom. Deliberately practicing to build, run, and manage, better software, faster.

Jonatan Ivanov Staff Software Engineer - Spring Engineering Team, Broadcom

Jonatan Ivanov is an enthusiastic Software Engineer, member of the Spring Engineering Team, maintainer of Micrometer, one of the leaders of the Seattle Java User Group, speaker, author, certified dragon trainer.

He has hands-on experience in developing and shipping innovative, production-ready software for industry-leader companies. He likes Distributed Systems, Production, Open Source, Math, Linux, Cloud environments; he is passionate about the Java Ecosystem and the Java Community.

He is an Open Source contributor, writes a “develotters”-focused blog (https://develotters.com), sometimes can be found on Twitter(@jonatan_ivanov) and in the Seattle area.

Raquel Pau, Senior Product Manager, Broadcom

Raquel Pau is Senior Product Manager at Broadcom. She has a deep experience designing and developing developer tools, especially for Java developers at Schibsted, CloudBees, and Moderne. She has also been a speaker in conferences like Devoxx, JavaZone, Spring IO, PlatformConf, etc..

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