Spring Builders

Cover image for Welcome to Spring Builders!
Sergi Almar
Sergi Almar

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Welcome to Spring Builders!

Hey there, fellow Spring enthusiasts!

Let me introduce you to Spring Builders, a cozy corner of the internet for anyone interested in the Spring Framework where you can learn, show off what you've done, and connect with awesome folks just like you.

Hopefully, Spring Builders can become a fun way of sharing your Spring journey and learning with other Spring fans.

We're excited to meet you, so why not take a moment to introduce yourself in the comments below? Don't worry, we're all friends here! Your thoughts and ideas matter to us, use #SpringBuilders on Twitter whenever you share something here – we're always on the lookout for great content to share with the world!

Happy Coding!

Top comments (61)

patbaumgartner profile image
Patrick Baumgartner

Hello Spring Builders community and thanks to Sergi for setting this up!

I am Patrick from Switzerland and a long time Spring user. I had the pleasure of learning a lot of Spring stuff from a current Spring committer back in 2007. Since then I have continued my journey, started teaching the official Spring courses and also started speaking about Spring and other things at conferences. My day job is helping out.

I also host many JUG Switzerland events and co-organise VoxxedDays Zurich.

I am happy to meet you all here and look forward to contributing.

tschuehly profile image
Thomas Schühly

Hello everyone!

I'm Thomas, and I'm developing full-stack web apps with Spring Boot and making Spring web development better with my Spring ViewComponent library: github.com/tschuehly/spring-view-c...

agitrubard profile image

Hello Spring Builders community!

As a seasoned Software Engineer with 4 years of hands-on experience in both Java and Spring, I couldn’t be more excited to join such a vibrant and enthusiastic group of developers. Spring has been an integral part of my coding journey, and I have a deep appreciation for its elegance and efficiency in building robust applications.

I’m looking forward to sharing insights, learning from fellow enthusiasts, and contributing to the collective knowledge here at Spring Builders. Let’s embark on this journey together, celebrating our love for coding with Spring!

SpringBuilders 🚀

manuonda profile image
manu onda

I am a new developer to Spring Boot. I work with Spring MVC and now I am studying about the Spring Boot ecosystem. I hope to learn and study and be able to contribute to this community. I'm working on my own repository of projects.


Greetings from Argentina.

piotrooo profile image
Piotr Olaszewski

Hello all 🙋‍♂️

I'm Piotrek, a Polish developer. Currently, I'm working as a Backend Tech Lead, mostly focused on the Spring Ecosystem, but with a great fascination in the DPE and automation topics.

Unfortunately I'm not a speaker/blogger/Java influencer or champion. However, I want to try to build a little bit of social connections with other Java/Spring Developers.

I'm very glad to join this community ❤️. And I hope to produce/receive good quality content 🙏.

shardul profile image
Shardul Lavekar

Thanks for creating this, Sergi. I am Shardul, and I am creating an open-source plugin to replay production traffic locally. I am based in Mountain View and Bangalore. (Both get 3 months each :D) I am a big Spring fan and joined the community the moment I saw it!

kaushik profile image

Hey there

I am Kaushik, a software engineer based in India. I am new to Spring eco system.

Recently Completed my Spring Learning path from Spring Academy. Thanks Sergi!

Always wanted to connect with a community of Spring Dev. Great to be here!

Looking forward with great excitement to learn and share !!!

Thanks Sergi for creating this community!!!

shantdashjian profile image
Shant Dashjian

Hi there,

I'm Shant Dashjian, a software engineer and mentor, based in Armenia. I have over 10 years of experience in the software industry. I am passionate about Spring and appreciate the framework's maturity, ecosystem, and community.

Thank you Sergi Almar for creating the Spring Builders community! I look forward to seeing its impact on the community.


glennthielman profile image
Glenn Thielman • Edited

Hi everyone

My name is Glenn, I am located in Belgium and I am developing for a decade now.
Coming from the JEE world and later found a love for Spring. Always question myself how to make things differently and more readable for my coworkers, so a big fan of DDD, TDD and Hexagonal Architecture.
Also recently found a passion to teach others with workshops or presentations, my latest workshop was about Graphql on Spring.

You will found me at conferences like Vmware Explore, Spring IO and Devoxx Belgium. So please come join me for a conversation!


linhvu profile image
Linh Vu • Edited

Hi everyone,

I'm Linh and I am a Backend Software Engineer. I'm hooked on Spring and related technologies, especially Observability, Security, Performance perspective,...

Sometimes, I share my learning on my YouTube channel and answer some questions on Stackoverflow.

Happy to join the community!

rainboyan profile image
Michael Yan

Hello everyone!

I am Michael. I have been working with Spring since 2004, and also a Groovy/Grails lover.
But now I'm developing Grace framework to help developers build Spring Boot applications rapidly using the powerful Groovy language. Grace is a fork of Grails 5, it has been reborn with a lot of new features and improvements, I'm working hard to make it as Spring Boot Plus.

Thanks for creating this, Sergi. Happy to join the community!

4lfazu profile image
Alvaro Fallas Zúñiga

Hello community. Work has been busy lately, so haven’t had a ton of time to learn new stuff. Maybe this will be a good place to get back on track. Looking forward sharing knowledge with everyone. See you around #SpringBuilders

rieckpil profile image
Philip • Edited

Hey there ✌🏻

I'm Philip, and help developers to frequently deliver software with more confidence through actionable tech content and hands-on consulting 🚀

As an indie hacker, frequent Southeast Asia traveler, squash player, and padel newbie, I really enjoy jogging in nature and teaching about testing Spring Boot applications 🍃


michelemauro profile image
michelemauro • Edited

Hello everyone!
Nice to see the .dev platform put to good use!

I'm an old-timer Java, Kotlin and formerly Scala programmer. I now use Kotlin on the BE inside a Spring Boot application, generating most of the infrastructure from an OpenAPI definition.

I spoke about it last year at Spring I/O Barcelona, the conference Sergi organizes every year.

Find me on Mastodon and Linkedin

serializable profile image

I'm Steve,a software engineer,base on china,current work is base on springboot、spring cloud and some part of spring stack.I has 11 years of experience in java coding.
I'm very glad to join this family.hopefully this community will grow bigger.